The Flow Cytometry Facility and San Diego State University provides the highest quality service for you flow cytometry needs. The staff at the core facility will work closely with you to optimize your experimental design, setup, and analysis. They have wealth of knowledge utilizing different flow cytometry approaches to investigate various biological questions. What we do not know, we are expereinced in finding protocols and guidelines for different biological assays. We are happy to assist you with any questions that you have during data acquisition, data analysis, or even before beginning any experiments to discuss the feasibility of using flow cytometry for your research.

Analytical Flow Cytometry
Analyze cell populations of up to 13 parameters using up to three excitation sources: 488nm, 561nm, 633nm lasers. See instrumentation page to determine the filters utilized and the potential fluorochromes that can be detected.

Cell Sorting
In addition to analysis of up to 8 parameters at once, isolate single cells into a 96 well-plate format or into as many as 4 different sub populations at once.

High Throughput Screening
Utilize the BD FACSCanto to set up and analyze 96 and 384 well-plates, with up to 6 parameters at once.
Internal Analysis
Internal Sorting
An additional hour is charged / sort for cleaning and set up
External Analysis
External Sorting
An additional hour is charged / sort for cleaning and set up